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Practice 4 Para 1.The need for a satisfactory education is more im....雅思考试试题
Practice 3 The Australian political scene is dominated by two major pa....雅思考试试题
Practice 2 Almost everyone with or without a computer is aware of the ....雅思考试试题
雅思考试阅读考试题类型和备考制胜策略 雅思阅读测验题基本上有八种类型:  配....雅思考试试题
 describe the function of music in our life. what music you like to listen to ....雅思考试试题
说在前面:  1.实力第一,考试第二!  2.凡自认为菜鸟级人士,或考前欲自测水平者....雅思考试试题
 WRITING TASK 1  You should spend no more than 20 minutes on this task.  Yo....雅思考试试题
 Writing Task 1  You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.  The chart....雅思考试试题
Describe an interest or hobby that you particularly enjoy: 1)What this interest ....雅思考试试题
Do you often read newspapers? What’s is your reading everyday?( how frequent d....雅思考试试题
Clothes: You like what clothes? Clothes aren’t only used to keep us warm. It ha....雅思考试试题
雅思关于travel方面口语考试范围: Describe your latest interesting travel in deta....雅思考试试题
口语涉及到的话题: 礼物,孩子,时间分配,relax,电影和电视,招呼客人,演员,偶像....雅思考试试题
Part Ⅲ Reading Tasks True/False/Not Given Exercises Unit2  When was the last....雅思考试试题
  Practice 4 Para 1.The need for a satisfactory education is more important....雅思考试试题
 Right and left-handedness in humans Why do humans, virtually alone among all a....雅思考试试题
In the earliest stages of man’s development he had no more need of money than ....雅思考试试题
The diagrams show data for a flu epidemic which hit a large country town in 1996....雅思考试试题
WRITING TASK 1  You should spend no more than 20 minutes on this task.  You ....雅思考试试题
Handicraft: The handicraft that I would describe to you is of an extreme artist....雅思考试试题
TV Programme I seldom watch TV, because I have a computer and most of my free t....雅思考试试题
People!! Sun Jihai has long been regarded as one of China's best defenders. He ....雅思考试试题
Describe a Chinese dress: Qipao (Ch'ipau) is one of the most typical, tradition....雅思考试试题
IELTS SPEAKING TEST 1.Yourself 1)What’s your surmane(last name family name)? M....雅思考试试题
雅思阅读T/F/NG模拟题(1)及答案 True/False/Not Given Exercises When was the l....雅思考试试题
雅思阅读T/F/NG模拟题(2)及答案 Practice 2 Almost everyone with or without a co....雅思考试试题
雅思阅读T/F/NG模拟题(3)及答案 Practice 3 The Australian political scene is do....雅思考试试题
雅思阅读T/F/NG模拟题(4)及答案 Practice 4 Para 1.The need for a satisfacto....雅思考试试题
雅思(IELTS)作文考题集锦(1) 编者按:雅思作文考题是非常生活化的,一般而言,从生....雅思考试试题
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