高二英语说课稿 Unit 5warming up speaking
- 名称:高二英语说课稿 Unit 5warming up speaking
- 类型:高二英语说课稿
- 授权方式:免费版
- 更新时间:03-21 15:17:08
- 下载要求:无需注册
- 下载次数:692次
- 语言简体中文
- 大小:7.18 MB
- 推荐度:3 星级
《 高二英语说课稿 Unit 5warming up speaking》简介
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Unit 5 The British lsles (warming up & speaking)
Brief Statements
The topic is about the British Isles.
. In the first period, we will deal with Warming up and Speaking. In warming up, by watching a video about the Britain and talking about English cities, food, sports, places of interest, school education, geography, famous people ,etc. the students' desire to know more about Britain can be raised. Speaking will includes three topics: Is English easy or difficult to learn? How can we learn geography well? What's your opinion about the development of a country?, and the students can express various opinions freely. Each topic can be discussed from different sides. The students can...., 大小:7.18 MB
Unit 5 The British lsles (warming up & speaking)
Brief Statements
The topic is about the British Isles.
. In the first period, we will deal with Warming up and Speaking. In warming up, by watching a video about the Britain and talking about English cities, food, sports, places of interest, school education, geography, famous people ,etc. the students' desire to know more about Britain can be raised. Speaking will includes three topics: Is English easy or difficult to learn? How can we learn geography well? What's your opinion about the development of a country?, and the students can express various opinions freely. Each topic can be discussed from different sides. The students can...., 大小:7.18 MB
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