人教新课标高二英语 Unit 5 First Aid for Burns 说课稿
- 名称:人教新课标高二英语 Unit 5 First Aid for Burns 说课稿
- 类型:高二英语说课稿
- 授权方式:免费版
- 更新时间:03-21 15:17:59
- 下载要求:无需注册
- 下载次数:1205次
- 语言简体中文
- 大小:4.47 MB
- 推荐度:3 星级
《 人教新课标高二英语 Unit 5 First Aid for Burns 说课稿》简介
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人教新课标 高二 Unit 5 First Aid for Burns 说课稿
Lesson Plan Interpretation
Unit5 First Aid for Burns(Reading)
The status and the function
The New Course focuses on the Ss’ abilities to gather information; deal with information; solve problems and the abilities to think and express in English. The passage is the third period of the unit. In my opinion, it is very important for the Ss to learn because it helps Ss a lot in getting the abilities mentioned above. It first introduces the importance of the skin to our body, then introduces types of burns, characteristics of burns and certain steps of first aid treatments. It is hoped that through the passage, the Ss will know how to perform first aid procedures for burns and do first aid calmly during an emergency.
About the Ss
As Senior2 Ss, they are at different levels of English fluency, some of them have lost interest in English. So during the lesson, I arrange a variety of activities to let all of them join in to attract their interest and let them be confident and taste the joy of success.
Teaching goals
Knowledge goals
To master the important words and sentences patterns of this unit through this period: injury, bleed, organ, poison, swell, damage, wound, mild, squeeze, symptom, etc.
, 大小:4.47 MB
人教新课标 高二 Unit 5 First Aid for Burns 说课稿
Lesson Plan Interpretation
Unit5 First Aid for Burns(Reading)
The status and the function
The New Course focuses on the Ss’ abilities to gather information; deal with information; solve problems and the abilities to think and express in English. The passage is the third period of the unit. In my opinion, it is very important for the Ss to learn because it helps Ss a lot in getting the abilities mentioned above. It first introduces the importance of the skin to our body, then introduces types of burns, characteristics of burns and certain steps of first aid treatments. It is hoped that through the passage, the Ss will know how to perform first aid procedures for burns and do first aid calmly during an emergency.
About the Ss
As Senior2 Ss, they are at different levels of English fluency, some of them have lost interest in English. So during the lesson, I arrange a variety of activities to let all of them join in to attract their interest and let them be confident and taste the joy of success.
Teaching goals
Knowledge goals
To master the important words and sentences patterns of this unit through this period: injury, bleed, organ, poison, swell, damage, wound, mild, squeeze, symptom, etc.
, 大小:4.47 MB
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