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Unit 23 A famous person

03-06 18:11:54   分类:初二英语教案   浏览次数: 834
标签:八年级上册英语教案,人教八年级英语教案,http://www.qihang56.com Unit 23 A famous person,

  3)用于There seemed +不定式结构时。There seemed to be hundreds of people on the playground. 运动场上好象有好几百人。

  3.It tells us how computer technology can solve business problems in new ways. (L89)



  Could you tell me how I can get to the station? 您能告诉我怎样到达车站吗?

  4.Gates was named William Henry after his father and grandfather. (L90)


  He is named for his uncle. 他被按照他叔父的名字命名。

  5.It was one of the best-sellers of the New York Times list. (L90)


  New York Times 是专有名词《纽约时报》。


  6.He and some of his friends spent lots of time doing unusual things with it. (L90)

  spend 在表示“花费”时,可以表示花费时间、金钱等。它可用于两个不同的句式中:

  (1)spend…on… 在……上花费

  Each student spends 100 yuan on food every month. 在伙食上每个学生每个月花一百元。

  Bill spent £3,000 on a new car. 比尔花了三千英镑买了一辆新车。

  (2)spend…in doing sth…  花费……做某事,其中的介词in 可以省略。

  She didn’t spend all her time (in ) doing the work. 她没有把全部时间用在工作上。

  7.In the end, they worked out a software programme with the old machine.最后,他们利用这台老式计算机编出了一个软件程序.

  in the end 是固定短语,意思是“最后;终于”,相当于at last. 注意:at the end of 意思是“在……末”,of 后必须跟名词或代词。如:

  In the end, They won the relay race. 最后,他们赢得了接力赛.

  At the end of last month, we finished the work..我们在月底完成了这项工作.

  句中的worked out a software programme意思是“编出了一个软件程序”。Work out的意思 是“制订出、编制出、想出”。如:

  We want to work out a new plan.我们想要制订一个新的计划。

  8. They improved the software to make it easier for people to use computers. 他们改进了该软件,使人们能更容易地运用计算机。

  句中make的句型是:make it+形容词(+for sb)+ to do sth. 的结构。句中的it就是替代后面的不定式做make的宾语,该形容词既可以用原形,也可以用比较级。如:

  How can we make the classroom clean? 我们怎样才能使教室干净呢?

  We want to make our country more beautiful.我们要使我们的国家变得更加美丽。

Lesson 89教学设计方案

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Grasp the new words and expressions as well as the main idea of the dialogue.

  2. Grasp the expressions of Certainty or Uncertainty

  Language focus:

  1. Passive voice: be done

  2. new words and useful expressions: be back, must be. . . , solve, in many ways, have a look, one of. . . .best-seller, It seems. . . ,take. . .to. . . ,be interested in. . . , I’m sure. . .

  Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Revision

  1. Check the writing tasks: a report about the sports meeting.

  2. Revise the comparison of adjectives and adverbs.

  Step 2 Leading-in

  There are some famous people in the world, or in a country, or in a city, or only in a school. These people are known by most of us and we talk about them very often. There also have famous people in different fields, eg. famous singers, famous politicians, or maybe they are famous for a book, etc. (write “be famous for” on the blackboard) Who is a famous person that you like? Why?

  Get the students to guess the meaning of the word person and talk about famous people.

  Step 3 Read and act

  Show the students some pictures of Bill Gates and his book Business @ the Speed of Thought. Tell them it’s a book written by Bill Gates. Then ask: “Who is Bill Gates?”

  The teacher can tell the students some information about Bill Gates.

  Play the tape for the students to listen and read the dialogue (Or play the video). Ask the students to answer the question: Why does Jim like Bill Gates? (Because he is a clever man)

  Explain some difficult words and useful expressions.

  1. be interested in. ..

  Many young girls are interested in popular songs.

  interest, interesting和interested三者的含义均与“兴趣”有关,它们的用法:


  The work is of great interest. 这工作很有趣。

  They’re all places of great interest in China. 它们都是中国的名胜。

  Your story interests me.  你的经历引起了我的兴趣。


  This new TV play is very interesting.这部新电视剧很有趣。

  He’s a most interesting man.他是个很有趣的人。


  At the age of eight, the girl became interested in boating.八岁时,这女孩就对划船感兴趣。

  2. I’m sure. . .


  I’m quite sure she’ll like the gift.

  3. It’s written by Bill Gates.


  (1)These planes are made by the students. It’s very good.

  (2)Desks are made by workers.

  4. It seems to be an interesting book.

  seem在此表示“看上去”,暗示有一定依据,这种判断往往接近事实。而look着重于由视觉得出的印象,在搭配上两者都可接形容词、名词(前面常有形容词修饰)、动词不定式to be、介词短语。如:

  He looks/seems a nice man.他看上去是个好人。

  You look/seem tired. Lets have a rest. 看来你很累了,我们休息一会吧。

  The boy looked/seemed to be very ill. 那个男孩看上去病得很重。


   l)后面接动词不定式to do时。The new teacher seemed to know all his students.新来的老师好象认识他所有的学生。

  2)用于It seems the that…结构时。It seemed that he lost something.看来他丢了什么东西。

  3)用于There seemed +不定式结构时。There seemed to be hundreds of people on the playground. 运动场上好象有好几百人。

  5.It was one of the best-sellers of the New York Times list. (L90)


  New York Times 是专有名词《纽约时报》。


  Students read after the tape, then read in pairs and try to memorize the main information. Then act out in front of the class.

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