

02-22 14:35:34   分类:专题文稿   浏览次数: 233
标签:板报花边素材,板报设计素材,板报设计模板,http://www.qihang56.com 英语班规、校训收集整理,

  Class Rules for this year

  A – Good manners should be shown at all times. Everyone should always demonstrate consideration for other people, their safety and their property.

  B – Respect must always be shown towards the school's and other people's property.

  C – Respect for the school environment makes everyone's working conditions more pleasant. Dropping litter is anti-social and culprits should be reported to a member of staff. All litter should be disposed of in the appropriate bins.

  D – Respect must always be shown to each individual. Any kind of abuse or bullying should be reported to a teacher straightaway. Bullying – physical or verbal – and violent conduct will always be dealt with severely.

  E – Punctuality to school, lessons and other commitments is essential. Pupils should arrive by 8.35am at the latest for registration. Arrival after this time must be recorded in the late book in the office.

  F – Pupils should take pride in their appearance and wear correct school uniform.

  G – The school diary must be kept on one's person at all times and kept up to date on a daily basis.

  H – Pupils must get detention slips signed. Detentions take precedence over all other activities. Failure to attend school detention is considered to be a serious breach of school rules.

  I – It is important that any absence is supported by a note from home, so that it is not counted as a truancy. The school is not permitted by law to grant leave of absence for family holidays for more than 10 school days in any one year. Written requests for this should be made in advance to the Principal.

  J – Pupils should take a pride in all work they do, and always meet deadlines.


  Attention, please. Now I want to say something about our class rules. First you can't eat in class. In class, you can't talk freely or loudly; you can't sleep or drink , either. Second, when you have classes, you can't wear a hat. Third, don't be late for class. It is not good. Fourth, after class, you can't run or play in the classroom or the hallways. It is very dangerous to do so. Fifth, you can't fight with your classmates, of course, because they are your friends. Finally you should clean the classroom every day in turns in order to keep our classroom clean and tidy. That's all. Thank you.



  Be quiet on class.上课安静。

  Don't throw rubbish casually.不要随处乱扔垃圾。

  No smoking or drinking.不要吸烟喝酒。

  Don't fight or say rude words.不打架不骂人。

  Don't bully girls.不要欺负女生。

  Ask for leave on emergency.有事请假。

  Be friendly to classmates.友好待人。

  No cheat in exam.考试不能作弊。

  Don't wear strangely.不要穿奇装异服。

  Be responsible for your behaviour.对自己行为负责。

  Don't eat in class. 不在课堂上吃东西。

  Don't talk in class. 不在课堂上随意说话。

  Don't fight. 不打架。

  Don't be late for class. 不上课迟到。

  Don't run or play in the classroom or the hallways. 不在教室里和走廊上追逐打闹。

  Wear the school uniform. 必须穿校服。

  Clean the classroom every day. 每天坚持打扫教室。

  Don't talk loudly at school. 不要在学校大声喧哗。

  Don't sleep or drink in class. 课堂上不要睡觉、喝水。

  Don't wear a hat in class. 课堂上不要戴帽子。



  哈佛大学 Harvard University

  Let Plato be your friend, and Aristotle, but more let your friend be truth.


  杜尔大学 Drew University

  - Freely have you received; freely give

  - 自由地接受;自由地给予

  夏威夷大学 University of Hawaii

  - Above all nations is humanity

  - 人性超越国界 或:人性超越种族

  斯坦佛大学 Stanford University

  - the wind of freedom blows

  - 愿学术自由之风劲吹

  约翰霍普金斯大学 Johns Hopkins University

  - The truth shall make you free

  - 真理必叫你们得以自由

  * 这句话可追溯于新约圣经的约翰福音第八章32节“你们必晓得真理、真理必叫你们得以自由”英文是: “And ye (you) shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (King James version)。

  利哈伊大学 Lehigh University

  - Man, the servant and interpreter of nature

  - 人类是大自然的理解者和仆人 或:理解自然;服务自然

  北达科他大学 University of North Dakota

  - Intelligence, the Basis of Civilization

  - 才智是文明的基础

  麻省理工学院 MIT

  - Mind and Hand

  - 既学会动脑,也学会动手

  * 这真是工程院校的校训。反映了MIT的创建者的办学理想 - 教育的内容一定要有它的实践意义。

  华盛顿大学 Washington University

  - Strength through Truth

  - 力量借助于真理

  康涅狄克大学 University of Connecticut

  - He who transplants sustains

  * “He who transplants sustains” 也是康州的州训,它反映了当初北美的殖民者的信念:上帝(He) ,把他们从英格兰迁移(transplant) 到北美大陆,会继续帮助他们,供给(sustain) 他们。用一个长句子表达这句话,可以是:“God, who transplants us, sustain us.” Or “God, who the colonists believed had Transplanted them from England to the New World, where he continued to sustain them.”

  佩斯大学 Pace University

  - Opportunity

  - 机遇

  普林斯顿大学 Princeton University

  - In the Nation's Service and in the Service of All Nations

  - 普林斯顿--为国家服务,为世界服务

  艾莫利大学 Emory University

  - The prudent heart will possess knowledge

  - 聪明人的心得知识

  * 美国是以基督教立国的国家,很多学校的校训都跟基督教的信仰有关,或是摘自圣经中的某段内容。 Emory University也不例外。

  这句校训是摘自于旧约圣经的箴言第十八章15节。 全句是 “聪明人的心得知识。智慧人的耳求知识” 英文是“The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge. ” (King James version) .这句话是1890年被Emory University引为 校训。

  爱荷华州立大学 Iowa State University

  - Science with Practice

  - 科学与实践相结合

  西北大学 Northwestern University

  - Whatsoever Things Are True


  这句校训是摘自于新约圣经的腓利比书第四章8节。 全句是“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things”

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